[fmco soundbites] wfh? wfo?

Picture of a young mother working from home with a sleeping baby next to her

[2 June 2021] Day 2 of fmco* in Malaysia Language changes in the new norm? Last night, I was making a comment in a friend’s Facebook post when the question hit me. Since the pandemic started, we are so used to the wfh (work-from-home) acronym. Why do we say ‘work from home‘, but never ‘work […]

Why we procrastinate?

picture of piling paperwork

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”― Abraham Lincoln Procrastination – the dearth of productivity. Last Friday, I tackled the piling loose papers on my work desk. Procrastination is a funny thing. According to NY Times, it is not about laziness. Then what is it about?

Friendly negotiation tactic

(Image Credit: Gerd Altmann | License: CC0)

Do you hate to negotiate? Sometimes, it feels like you are hurting a valuable business relationship which you have spent a lot of energy building up. In true win-win (read: principled) negotiations, we are encouraged not to play hardball. You aim to get what you want without hurting the relationship. Here’s a friendly tactic you […]

Do this and close more sales

Picture of a customer signing agreement

The best sales tip for new sales professionals to close more sales What has parties got to do with closing sales? My husband and I love to entertain and take it as an opportunity to catch up with friends we don’t get to meet often enough.  Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting someone we haven’t met […]