WOTW #22 jovial

This letter J brings us a happy word.

Jovial is an adjective that means happy, jolly, cheerful, and joyous.

Example sentences

  1.  Sometimes he has mood swings; he can be jovial one moment and then unhappy in the next.
  2.  He is very popular in the office because of his jovial manner in any circumstances without being disrespectful.
  3. When Hari Raya comes, my house will have lots of laughter and a jovial atmosphere.
  4. The upbeat music by the pianist out everyone in a jovial mood.
  5. Her warm and booming voice matches her jovial personality.
  6. When the stand-up comedian delivered his punch-line, the audience broke out in jovial laughter.

#wotw #wordoftheweek #adjectives #englishvocabulary

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